The Divine Word Novitiate hosted a five-day Vocation Promotion Program under the theme “Embracing God’s Call: A Journey of Unwavering Obedience and Liberation.” The event brought together aspirants and facilitators for spiritual reflections, engaging talks, and missionary insights. This program came off on the 15-19th January 2024.
The program began on January 15 with an Opening Mass at 5:00 p.m. to commemorate the Feast of St. Arnold Janssen, the founder of the SVD congregation. The evening continued with participant introductions, committee formation, and a film screening to foster fellowship.
On January 16, Fr. Lambert Assogba, SVD, led a powerful recollection on the program’s theme, encouraging participants to embrace God’s call with courage and obedience. After lunch, Fr. Titus guided an insightful talk on Discerning a Vocation in a Wounded World. Scholastic Frt. Michael Kwabi, SVD, from Brazil, provided a historical perspective on the founding generation of the SVD.
The third day featured enriching presentations by Fr. Wilfred D’Souza, SVD, on the congregation’s characteristic dimensions and charisms, and Br. McDaniel, who spoke passionately about The Identity and Mission of SVD Brothers in the Church. In the afternoon, Fr. Edward Gozo, SVD, and Fr. Edmund Owusu, SVD, captivated aspirants with their missionary experiences in Brazil and the Netherlands, respectively.

January 18 highlighted vocation beyond religious life. Mr. Biney, a marriage counsellor from St. Michael’s Catholic Church, Nkawkaw, spoke on Marriage as a Vocation in the Church, while Mrs. Agnes Cobbinah, an SVD lay partner, emphasized the vital role of lay partners and the laity in seminary formation. The day concluded with a presentation on SVD Formation programs and general requirements by Br. Charles Ashun, SVD.
The program culminated on January 19 with a solemn Vocation Promotion Mass at St. Peter’s Senior High School, presided by Fr. Titus in the absence of the District Superior, Fr. Lambert Assogba, SVD. Participants expressed deep gratitude for the spiritually uplifting experience and left with renewed commitment to answering God’s call.