The Process Of Adjustment Of Ex-Formandi: An Exploratory Study-George Clement Angmor, SVD

​George Clement Angmor, SVD


In line with the Consensual Qualitative Research (CQR) method, this study sought to explore the experiences in the process of adjustment of ex-formandi (young men and women who came out of formation programs, where they had been training to become priests, religious brothers and sisters), after they returned to the secular world. Twelve participants made up the sample for the study, comprising 8 women and 4 men. Out of these, 6 participants withdrew themselves, 4 were asked to leave, and a further 2 who were guided to see the need, and consequently, applied themselves to go out. Using the CQR method, the domains abstracted from the analysis of the data produced the following: Entry Motivations, Reasons for Exit, Transition Experiences, Protective Factors against Maladjustment, and, Risk Factors for Adjustment. These formed the bases for the discussions. A panel of two readers/raters and also, an auditor, were used to discuss and arrive at consensus at various sections of the study, thereby also increasing the credibility of the study. The study shows that ex-formandi go through a fairly similar path of adjustment: The Termination or Pre-Departure stage, The Exit, The stage of Transition Experiences, and the stage in which they find themselves now – whether maladjusted with emotional hang-ups, or having moved on finely. The study concludes that candidates asked to leave are more likely to face the most of adjustment problems. Given those findings, the researcher recommended that an exit counseling intervention be initiated for ex-formandi. It is postulated that this study will give useful insights to the helping professionals and the formation ministry in the church in aiding ex-formandi.

A thesis presented to The Faculty of the Counseling and Educational Psychology Department, De La Salle University, Manila. In Partial Fulfillment Of the Requirement for the Degree Master of Arts in Education, major in Counseling

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